Right Back Atcha!
So....I planned to start this blog about a month ago, then had some issues with not being able to see the photo I posted. (I still can't see it, but Scuzzy can, so what the hell?)
Why am I writing a blog? Do I have such a fascinating life that I think the world would love to read about it? No, probably not. I can't imagine the person that might have a less interesting life than I. But my mind is pretty interesting at times.
Anyway, the real point is that me best friend, Susan, Scuz, Sez-body, Scuzzy, Squeezle-Scuzcawich, has started a blog, as she is getting ready to move away to start graduate school. Her blog is supposed to be a way to keep her hubby, et. al, updated on her life. In her first post, she talked about not knowing if she would have anything to say. Yeah, right. The day that one of us has nothing to say will be the end of the world.
So, I'm not running off to Wisconsin to get a Ph.D or anything. I'm just maintaining my pathetic little life here in small-town Missouri. If I can blog, so can she!
Yeah, but you're all cutely sarcastibitch, so you'll do just fine in the blogosphere. Besides, don't you know most blogs are just teenage emo poetry and shizz? You've totally topped that.
Thanks for the nickname roundup. I think Nicole still may have more. At least I hope so.
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