Boy, Was I Wrong!

Boy, was I wrong! I foolishly thought we'd had an ice storm! That wasn't an ice storm, NOW we've had an ice storm. And even as things stand now, we are much better off than some parts of the state. For one thing, we never lost electricity!!!! I'm not sure how much ice we got, but it is a substantial amount.

As cold and nasty as it has been, somehow the creek is still running!!! I suppose it's because the precipitation has come down as rain. And it really hasn't gotten that cold yet. The temperature is supposed to start dropping today though. And although the weather folks said there wouldn't be anymore precipitation, there are definitely some snow flurries out there right now. Hmmmmmmm.
Since walking across the yard has been comparable to walking across a frozen pond, I've been trying to take Bud outside off his leash. (he pulls, I fall) It worked fairly well until this afternoon. He decided that it was time to explore the neighborhood! Although he had gotten very good at coming when I called him every time we tried it in the house, he ignored me today. That was pretty frustrating. I guess it's back to the beginning of "Positive Dog Training for Idiots", the book I've been using. The only good part was I finally got to see the backs of the houses across the street. When you're chasing your dog, you have a very valid reason to trespass.
I got to find out where the dog that came to visit the other day, who looks enough like Bud to be his mother, lives.
The same inquisitive look!
Hopefully, this will be the last of our bad weather. (I just knocked on wood--you can never be too careful about these things) Even though cars seem to be getting by on our street okay right now, we're pretty much stranded. Our car is safely in the garage--which you would think is a good thing. However, the garage is in the basement, and it is at the back of the house. The driveway is a curving hill down to the garage. It's all just a thick sheet of ice. Who knows when we'll get out, could be a very long time. Sigh.
Hopefully, this will be the last of our bad weather. (I just knocked on wood--you can never be too careful about these things) Even though cars seem to be getting by on our street okay right now, we're pretty much stranded. Our car is safely in the garage--which you would think is a good thing. However, the garage is in the basement, and it is at the back of the house. The driveway is a curving hill down to the garage. It's all just a thick sheet of ice. Who knows when we'll get out, could be a very long time. Sigh.